Fiziologiya zhәne medicina salasyndagy Nobel syjlygy shved Nobelpriset i fysiologi eller medicin fiziologiya zhәne medicina salasyndagy zhetistikteri үshin beriletin asa bedeldi zhyl sajyn Stokgolm kalasynda usynylady Bes Nobel syjlygynyn biri Үmitkerlerdi irikteuNobel korynyn zhargysyna sәjkes kandidattardy usynuy mүmkin tulgalar tomendegidej mүsheleri Medicina salasyndagy A Nobel eske alu syjlygynyn komitetinin mүsheleri Medicina salasy bojynsha Nobeldi eske alu syjlygynyn laureattary Shveciya Daniya Finlyandiya Islandiya zhәne Norvegiya zhogary oku oryndary men kolledzhderdin tiisti pәnder professorlary bolyp turakty zhumys istejtinder Ғylym akademiyasy arkyly tandalgan kem degende alty zhogary oku orny nemese oryndarynda tiisti kafedralardyn basshylary Akademiya usynystary kabyldanuga turarlyk dep eseptejtin baska galymdar 5 zhәne 6 tarmaktarynda atalgan okytushylar men galymdardyn tandauga katysty sheshimder kyrkүjek ajynyn sonyna dejin zhyl sajyn kabyldanady Laureattar tizimi1900 shy 1910 shy 1920 shy 1930 shy 1940 shy 1950 shi 1960 shi 1970 shi 1980 shi 1990 shy 2000 shy 2010 shy 2020 shy1900 shy Zhyl Sureti El laureat Marapattau negizdemesi Akparat kajnary1901 Emil Adolf fon Bering Medicinalyk gylymda zhana bagyttar ashkan zhәne auru men olimge karsy dәrigerlerdin kolyna zhenis karuyn bergen irkit terapiyasy turaly zhumysy үshin negizinen ony difteriyany emdeude pajdalangany үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for his work on serum therapy especially its application against diphtheria by which he has opened a new road in the domain of medical science and thereby placed in the hands of the physician a victorious weapon against illness and deaths1902 Ronald Ross Bezgekpen zhumysy үshin onda ol kozdyrgyshtyn denege kalaj kiretinin korsetti zhәne osylajsha zhәne odan әri tabysty zertteuler zhүrgizuge zhәne osy salada bezgekpen kүres әdisterin әzirleuge negiz saldy Tүpnuskasy agyl for his work on malaria by which he has shown how it enters the organism and thereby has laid the foundation for successful research on this disease and methods of combating it1903 Nils Ryuberg Finzen Aurulardy emdeu koskan үlesi tanu әsirese kyzyl zhegini koncentraciyalangan zharyk komegimen ashkany үshin medicinalyk gylymda zhana kokzhiekter ashty Tүpnuskasy agyl in recognition of his contribution to the treatment of diseases especially lupus vulgaris with concentrated light radiation whereby he has opened a new avenue for medical science1904 Ivan Petrovich Pavlov As korytu zhүjesinin fiziologiyasy bojynsha zhumystary үshin zhәne osy mәselenin omirlik aspektilerin kenejt3fg zhәne tүsinikti ozgertken үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl in recognition of his work on the physiology of digestion through which knowledge on vital aspects of the subject has been transformed and enlarged1905 Robert Koh Tuberkulezdi emdeuge katysty zertteuleri zhәne ashylulary үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for his investigations and discoveries in relation to tuberculosis1906 Kamillo Goldzhi Zhүjke zhүjesinin kurylymy bojynsha zhumystaryn tanu belgisi retinde Tүpnuskasy agyl in recognition of their work on the structure of the nervous systemSantyago Ramon i Kahal1907 Sharl Lui Alfons Laveran Қarapajymdylardyn aurudagy rolin zerttegeni үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl in recognition of his work on the role played by protozoa in causing diseases1908 Ilya Ilich Mechnikov Immunitet bojynsha enbegi үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl in recognition of their work on immunityPaul Erlih1909 Emil Teodor Koher fiziologiyasy patologiyasy zhәne hirurgiyasy salasyndagy zhumysy үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for his work on the physiology pathology and surgery of the thyroid gland1910 shy Zhyl Sureti El laureat Marapattau negizdemesi Akparat kajnary1910 Albreht Kossel Nukleindik zattardy kosa alganda akuyzdar bojynsha zertteuler engizigen zhasushalyk himiyany zertteuge koskan үlesi үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl in recognition of the contributions to our knowledge of cell chemistry made through his work on proteins including the nucleic substances1911 Alvar Gulstrand Kozdin zhumysy үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for his work on the dioptrics of the eye1912 Aleksis Karrel Tamyr tigisi zhәne kan tamyrlary men mүshelerdin transplantaciyasy bojynsha oz zhumysynyn tanu үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl in recognition of his work on vascular suture and the transplantation of blood vessels and organs1913 Sharl Rishe bojynsha zhumysyn tanu belgisi retinde Tүpnuskasy agyl in recognition of his work on anaphylaxis1914 Robert Barani 1915 zh berildi Vestibulyarlyk apparattyn fiziologiyasy men patologiyasymen zhumysy үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for his work on the physiology and pathology of the vestibular apparatus1915 Syjlyk berilmedi Қolma kol karazhattar arnajy kor bolimine engizilgen 1916 Syjlyk berilmedi Қolma kol karazhattar arnajy kor bolimine engizilgen 1917 Syjlyk berilmedi Қolma kol karazhattar arnajy kor bolimine engizilgen 1918 Syjlyk berilmedi Қolma kol karazhattar arnajy kor bolimine engizilgen 1919 Zhyul Borde 1920 zh berildi Immunitetke katysty ashylulary үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for his discoveries relating to immunity1920 shy Zhyl Sureti El laureat Marapattau negizdemesi Akparat kajnary1920 Avgust Krog Kapillyarlardyn sanylaudy retteu mehanizmin ashkany үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for his discovery of the capillary motor regulating mechanism1921 Syjlyk berilmedi Қolma kol karazhattar arnajy kor bolimine engizilgen 1922 Archibald Hill Bulshykettegi dene kurau salasyndagy ashylulary үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for his discovery relating to the production of heat in the muscleOtto Mejergof 1923 zh berildi Bulshykettegi ottegini siniru procesi men sүt kyshkylynyn metabolizmi arasyndagy tygyz karym katynas ashkany үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for his discovery of the fixed relationship between the consumption of oxygen and the metabolism of lactic acid in the muscle1923 Frederik Banting Insulindi ashkany үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for the discovery of insulinDzhon Makleod1924 Villem Ejnthoven mehanizmin ashkany үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for his discovery of the mechanism of the electrocardiogram1925 Syjlyk berilmedi Қolma kol karazhattar arnajy kor bolimine engizilgen 1926 Johannes Fibiger 1927 zh berildi Spiroptera tuyndatatyn ashkany үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for his discovery of the Spiroptera carcinoma1927 Yulius Vagner Yauregg emdeude bezgekti zhuktyrudyn terapevtik әserin ashkany үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for his discovery of the therapeutic value of malaria inoculation in the treatment of dementia paralytica1928 Sharl Nikol taratkysh dene masalaryn bekitkeni үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for his work on typhus1929 Hristian Ejkman Dәrumenderdin ashyluyna koskan үlesi үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for his discovery of the antineuritic vitaminFrederik Goulend Hopkins Өsu procesterin yntalandyratyn dәrumenderdi ashkany үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for his discovery of the growth stimulating vitamins1930 shy Zhyl Sureti El laureat Marapattau negizdemesi Akparat kajnary1930 Karl Landshtejner Adamnyn ashkany үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for his discovery of human blood groups1931 Otto Genrih Varburg Is kimyl sipaty men mehanizmin ashu үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for his discovery of the nature and mode of action of the respiratory enzyme1932 Charlz Skott Sherrington Nejrondardyn funkciyasyna katysty ashylulary үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for their discoveries regarding the functions of neuronsEdgar Duglas Edrian1933 Tomas Hant Morgan Tukym kualaudagy roline katysty ashylulary үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for his discoveries concerning the role played by the chromosome in heredity1934 Dzhordzh Uippl Bauyrdy koldanu arkyly emdeuge katysty ashylulary үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for their discoveries concerning liver therapy in cases of anaemiaDzhordzh MajnotUilyam Merfi1935 Hans Shpeman Embrionaldyk damu ujymdastyrylu әserlerin ashkany үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for his discovery of the organizer effect in embryonic development1936 Genri Dejl Zhүjke impulsterinin himiyalyk beriluine katysty ashylulary үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for their discoveries relating to chemical transmission of nerve impulsesOtto Levi1937 Albert Sent Derdi Biologiyalyk totygu procesteri salasyndagy ashylulary үshin atap ajtkanda C dәrumeni zhәne katalizine bajlanysty zertteuleri үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for his discoveries in connection with the biological combustion processes with special reference to vitamin C and the catalysis of fumaric acid1938 Kornej Hejmans 1939 zh berildi Tynystyn retteuluinde sinusty zhәne kolka tetikterinin rolin ashkany үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for the discovery of the role played by the sinus and aortic mechanisms in the regulation of respiration1939 Gerhard Domagk bakteriyaga karsy әserin ashkany үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for the discovery of the antibacterial effects of prontosil1940 shy Zhyl Sureti El laureat Marapattau negizdemesi Akparat kajnary1940 Syjlyk berilmedi Қolma kol aksha karazhattar arnajy kor bolimine 2 3 zhәne Nobel koryna 1 3 engizilgen1941 Syjlyk berilmedi Қolma kol aksha karazhattar arnajy kor bolimine 2 3 zhәne Nobel koryna 1 3 engizilgen1942 Syjlyk berilmedi Қolma kol aksha karazhattar arnajy kor bolimine 2 3 zhәne Nobel koryna 1 3 engizilgen1943 Henrik Karl Peter Dam ashkany үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for his discovery of vitamin KEduard Adalbert Dojzi 1944 zh berildi himiyalyk kurylymyn ashkany үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for his discovery of the chemical nature of vitamin K1944 Dzhozef Erlanger Zheke zhүjke talshyktarynyn zhogary saralangan funkciyalaryna katysty ashylulary үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for their discoveries relating to the highly differentiated functions of single nerve fibresGerbert Spenser Gasser1945 Aleksandr Fleming ashkany үshin zhәne әr tүrli zhukpaly aurularga emdik әseri үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for the discovery of penicillin and its curative effect in various infectious diseasesErnst Boris ChejnGovard Uolter Flori1946 German Dzhozef Meller әserinen bolatyn mutaciya boluyn ashkany үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for the discovery of the production of mutations by means of X ray irradiation1947 Karl Ferdinand Kori syjlyktyn 1 4 i Glikogennin katalitikalyk tүrlenuin ashkany үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for their discovery of the course of the catalytic conversion of glycogenGerti Tereza Kori syjlyktyn 1 4 i Bernardo Alberto Usaj syjlyktyn 1 2 i Glyukoza metabolizmindegi gipofizderdin aldyngy boligindegi gormondardyn rolin ashkany үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for his discovery of the part played by the hormone of the anterior pituitary lobe in the metabolism of sugar1948 Paul German Myuller Bajlanys uy retinde nyn zhogary tiimdiligin ashkany үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for his discovery of the high efficiency of DDT as a contact poison against several arthropods1949 Uolter Gess syjlyktyn 1 2 i Ishki organdardyn kyzmetin үjlestirushi retinde aralyk midyn funkcionaldyk ujymdastyryluyn ashkany үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for his discovery of the functional organization of the interbrain as a coordinator of the activities of the internal organsAntoniu Egash Monish syjlyktyn 1 2 i kejbir psihikalyk aurulardagy terapiyalyk әserlerin ashkany үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for his discovery of the therapeutic value of leucotomy in certain psychoses1950 shi Zhyl Sureti El laureat Marapattau negizdemesi Akparat kajnary1950 Eduard Kendall gormondar katysty ashylulary olardyn kurylymy zhәne biologiyalyk әserleri үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for their discoveries relating to the hormones of the adrenal cortex their structure and biological effectsTadeush RejhshtejnFilip Hench1951 Maks Tejler zhәne ogan karsy kүreske bajlanysty ashylulary үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for his discoveries concerning yellow fever and how to combat it1952 Zelman Vaksman Tuberkulezdi emdeude birinshi tiimdi antibiotik ashkany үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for his discovery of streptomycin the first antibiotic effective against tuberculosis1953 Hans Adolf Krebs syjlyktyn 1 2 i ashkany үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for his discovery of the citric acid cycleFric Albert Lipman syjlyktyn 1 2 i A kofermenti ashkany үshin zhәne onyn metabolizmnin aralyk kezenderinde mәni үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for his discovery of co enzyme A and its importance for intermediary metabolism1954 Dzhon Enders Әr tүrli ulpalardyn mәdenietterinde poliomielit virusynyn ose alu kabiletin ashkany үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for their discovery of the ability of poliomyelitis viruses to grow in cultures of various types of tissueTomas UellerFrederik Robbins1955 Hugo Teorell әreket etu tetigi zhәne sipaty turaly ashylulary үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for his discoveries concerning the nature and mode of action of oxidation enzymes1956 Andre Kurnan Қan ajnalymy zhүjesindegi zhүrek kateterizaciyasyn zhәne patologiyalyk ozgeristerge katysty ashylulary үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl their discoveries concerning heart catheterization and pathological changes in the circulatory systemVerner ForsmanDikinson Richards1957 Daniele Bove Agzadagy kejbir zattardyn әreketin bugattajtyn sintetikalyk kosylystarga katysty ashylulary zhәne olardyn tamyr bulshyk zhүjesine әseri үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for his discoveries relating to synthetic compounds that inhibit the action of certain body substances and especially their action on the vascular system and the skeletal muscles1958 Dzhordzh Bidl syjlyktyn 1 4 i Nakty biologiyalyk procesterdegi genderdin roline katysty ashylulary үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl their discovery that genes act by regulating definite chemical eventsEduard Tejtem syjlyktyn 1 4 i Dzhoshua Lederberg syjlyktyn 1 2 i Bakteriyalardyn men genetikalyk materialdarynyn ujymdastyryluyna katysty ashylulary үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for his discoveries concerning genetic recombination and the organization of the genetic material of bacteria1959 Severo Ochoa Ribonuklein zhәne dezoksiribonuklein kyshkyldarynyn biologiyalyk sintezinin tetikterin ashkany үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for their discovery of the mechanisms in the biological synthesis of ribonucleic acid and deoxyribonucleic acidArtur Kornberg1960 shi Zhyl Sureti El laureat Marapattau negizdemesi Akparat kajnary1960 Frenk Makfarlejn Bernet Zhasandy tozimdilik ashkany үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for discovery of acquired immunological tolerancePiter Brajan Medavar1961 Dyord fon Bekeshi fizikalyk titirkendirgishteriniӊ kabyldau tetikterin ashkany үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for his discoveries of the physical mechanism of stimulation within the cochlea1962 Frensis Krik ӊ molekulalyk kurylymyna katysty zhanalyktary үshin zhәne onyӊ tiri zhүjelerdegi akparatty audarudagy manyzy үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for their discoveries concerning the molecular structure of nucleic acids and its significance for information transfer in living materialDzhejms UotsonMoris Uilkins1963 Dzhon Ekkls Zhүjke zhasushalarynyӊ periferiyalyk zhәne ortalyk үlesterimen kozu zhәne tezhelu tartylgan iondyk tetikterine katysty ashylulary үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for their discoveries concerning the ionic mechanisms involved in excitation and inhibition in the peripheral and central portions of the nerve cell membraneAlan HodzhkinEndryu Filding Haksli1964 Konrad Bloh Holesterin zhәne retteu tetikterine katysty ashylulary үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for their discoveries concerning the mechanism and regulation of the cholesterol and fatty acid metabolismFeodor Linen1965 Fransua Zhakob Fermentterdi zhәne virustardyӊ sintezin genetikalyk bakylauga katysty zhanalyktary үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for their discoveries concerning genetic control of enzyme and virus synthesisAndre LvovZhak Mono1966 Frensis Pejton Rous ashkany үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for his discovery of tumour inducing virusesCharlz Brenton Haggins gormonaldy emdeudi ashkany үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for his discoveries concerning hormonal treatment of prostatic cancer1967 Ragnar Granit Kozdegi bastapky biologiyalyk zhәne himiyalyk korneki procesterge katysty ashylulary үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for their discoveries concerning the primary physiological and chemical visual processes in the eyeHolden HartlajnDzhordzh Uold1968 Robert Holli Genetikalyk kodty dekodtagany үshin zhәne onyn roli үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for their interpretation of the genetic code and its function in protein synthesisHar Gobind KoranaMarshall Nirenberg1969 Maks Delbryuk Virustardyn replikaciyalyk mehanizmi zhәne genetikalyk kurylymy turaly ashylulary үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for their discoveries concerning the replication mechanism and the genetic structure of virusesAlfred HershiSalvador Luriya1970 shi Zhyl Sureti El laureat Marapattau negizdemesi Akparat kajnary1970 Bernard Kac Nerv ushtaryndagy taratkyshtarga katysty ashylulary үshin olardy saktau bosatu zhәne zalalsyzdandyru zhәne tetikteri үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for their discoveries concerning the humoral transmittors in the nerve terminals and the mechanism for their storage release and inactivationUlf fon EjlerDzhulius Akselrod1971 Erl Sazerlend Gormondardyn Is kimyl tetikterine katysty zhanalyktary үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for his discoveries concerning the mechanisms of the action of hormones1972 Dzherald Edelman Antidenelerdin himiyalyk kurylymy turaly zhanalyktary үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for their discoveries concerning the chemical structure of antibodiesRodni Porter1973 Karl fon Frish Zhanuarlardyn zheke zhәne toptyk minez kulyk modelderin kuru zhәne belgileushge bajlanysty ashylulary үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for their discoveries concerning organization and elicitation of individual and social behaviour patternsKonrad LorencNikolaas Tinbergen1974 Alber Klod Zhasushanyn kurylymdyk zhәne funkcionaldyk ujymdastyrylu mәselelerine katysty ashylulary үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for their discoveries concerning the structural and functional organization of the cellKristian de DyuvDzhordzh Palade1975 Dejvid Baltimor zhәne zhasushalardyn genetikalyk materialy arasyndagy ozara is kimyldy olardyn zhanalyktardyn үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for their discoveries concerning the interaction between tumour viruses and the genetic material of the cellRenato DulbekkoHouard Temin1976 Baruh Blamberg Zhukpaly aurulardyn pajda boluy men taratyludyn zhana tetikterine katysty olardyn ashylulary үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for their discoveries concerning new mechanisms for the origin and dissemination of infectious diseasesKarlton Gajdushek1977 Rozhe Gijmen syjlyktyn 1 4 i Midyn Peptidti gormondarynyn bajlanysty ashylulary үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for their discoveries concerning the peptide hormone production of the brainEndryu Shalli syjlyktyn 1 4 i Rozalin Sasmen Yalou syjlyktyn 1 2 i Peptidti gormondardyn ajkyndauda damytkany үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for the development of radioimmunoassays of peptide hormones1978 Verner Arber anyktagany үshin zhәne olardy molekulyarlyk genetikada pajdalangany үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for the discovery of restriction enzymes and their application to problems of molecular geneticsDaniel NatansHamilton Smit1979 Allan Kormak Kompyuterlik tomografiyany damytkany үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for the development of computer assisted tomographyGodfri Haunsfild1980 shi Zhyl Sureti El laureat Marapattau negizdemesi Akparat kajnary1980 Baruh Benaserraf Immundyk reakciyalardy rettejtin zhasusha betindegi genetikalyk kejbir kurylymdarga katysty zhanalyktary үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for their discoveries concerning genetically determined structures on the cell surface that regulate immunological reactionsZhan DosseDzhordzh Snell1981 Rodzher Sperri syjlyktyn 1 2 i Mi zhartysharlary funkcionaldyk mamandanuyna katysty ashylulary үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for his discoveries concerning the functional specialization of the cerebral hemispheresDevid Hyubel syjlyktyn 1 4 i akparatty ondeu principteri turaly zhanalyktary үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for their discoveries concerning information processing in the visual systemTorsten Vizel syjlyktyn 1 4 i 1982 Sune Bergstryom zhәne olarga zhakyn biologiyalyk belsendi zattarga katysty ashylulary үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for their discoveries concerning prostaglandins and related biologically active substancesBengt SamuelsonDzhon Vejn1983 Barbara Mak Klintok Transpoziciyalanatyn genetikalyk zhүjelerdi ashkany үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for her discovery of mobile genetic elements1984 Nils Erne Gibridterdi pajdalanu arkyly generaciyalau principterin ashkany zhәne damytkany үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for theories concerning the specificity in development and control of the immune system and the discovery of the principle for production of monoclonal antibodiesZhorzh KelerSezar Milshtejn1985 Majkl Braun Holesterinnin almasuy zhәne kandagy holesterin dengejinin buzyluyn emdeu zhonindegi kornekti zhanalyktary үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for their discoveries concerning the regulation of cholesterol metabolismDzhozef Goldshtejn1986 Stenli Koen Zhasushalar men agzalardyn osuin retteu mehanizmin tүsinu үshin manyzdy bolyp tabylatyn zhanalyktardy tanu retinde Tүpnuskasy agyl for their discoveries of growth factorsRita Levi Montalchini1987 Sudzumi Tonegava Antidenelerdin tүrlerin kalyptastyruga arnalgan genetikalyk principti ashkany үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for his discovery of the genetic principle for generation of antibody diversity1988 Dzhejms Blek Dәrilik terapiyanyn manyzdy principterin ashkany үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for their discoveries of important principles for drug treatmentGertruda ElajonDzhordzh Hitchings1989 Dzhon Majkl Bishop Retrovirustyk zhasushalyk tabigatyn ashkany үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for their discovery of the cellular origin of retroviral oncogenesHarold Varmus1990 shy Zhyl Sureti El laureat Marapattau negizdemesi Akparat kajnary1990 Dzhozef Myurrej Mүshelerdi transplantaciyalau zhәne aurulardy emdeudegi zhasushlarga katysty ashylulary үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for their discoveries concerning organ and cell transplantation in the treatment of human diseaseEdvard Donnall Tomas1991 Ervin Neer Zhasushalardagy zhalgyz funkciyasyna katysty ashylular үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for their discoveries concerning reversible protein phosphorylation as a biological regulatory mechanismBert Sakman1992 Edmond Fisher Biologiyalyk retteu tetigi retinde kajtymdy akuyz katysty ashylulary үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for their discoveries of split genesEdvin Krebs1993 Richard Roberts Bir birinen tәuelsiz gennin үzikti kurylymyn ashkany үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for their discoveries of split genesFillip Sharp1994 Alfred Gilman ashkany zhәne zhasushaga dabyldyn tүrlenuindegi osy akuyzdardyn roli үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for their discovery of G proteins and the role of these proteins in signal transduction in cellsMartin Rodbell1995 Edvard Lyuis Embrionaldyk damudyn erte kezenderinde genetikalyk bakylauga katysty zhanalyktary үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for their discoveries concerning the genetic control of early embryonic developmentKristiana Nyuslyajn FolhardErik Vishaus1996 Piter Doerti Immundyk zhүjesi salasyndagy olardyn zhanalyktary үshin atap ajtkanda onyn virusty zhuktyrgan zhasushalardy anyktau kabileti үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for their discoveries concerning the specificity of the cell mediated immune defenceRolf Cinkernagel1997 Stenli Pruziner Infekciyanyn zhana biologiyalyk principi priondardy ashkany үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for his discovery of Prions a new biological principle of infection1998 Robert Ferchgott retteu bojynsha dabyl molekulasynyn rolin ashkany үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for their discoveries concerning nitric oxide as a signalling molecule in the cardiovascular systemLuis IgnarroFerid Murad1999 Gyunter Blobel Zhasushadagy maksatty akuyzdardyn tasymaldanuyna zhauapty anyktagany үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for the discovery that proteins have intrinsic signals that govern their transport and localization in the cell2000 shy Zhyl Sureti El laureat Marapattau negizdemesi Akparat kajnary2000 Arvid Karlsson Zhүjke zhүjesinde dabyldyn tүrlenuine katysty ashylulary үshin Tүpnuskasy agyl for their discoveries concerning signal transduction in the nervous systemPol GringardErik Kendel2001 img